Thursday, August 28, 2008

Joy... FIND IT!

Since my middle name is JOY - oh I wish that my face overflowed with it at all times.
This AM I look in the mirror - the lines seem to be taking over. Are they looking like frown lines - a clown... going down? Where are the upwards ones that show I really do smile? And I even got "Best Smile" my sophmore year in high school.

Ps. 16:11 You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.

Over the years it seems like JOY must come from deeper places inside that are hard to find on some long days. As years go by so quickly the days seem so long...

I Thess. 2: 19 & 20 For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.

I WILL find that joy in the Presence of Almighty Father! He is my JOY! Oh for the day when my face won't reflect the lines... just God's shining presence!

What's in your suitcase?

One of my own favorite analogies as our older 2 have left home & in helping others manage through that stage of life:
We all have luggage we head out the door with as we leave home & set out on our own journey. (Some call it baggage, but at 47 that description doesn't make me want to pick it up!) We give our children a piece with a lot that is hanging out the seams and Boy! I sure hope my young adult children have rollers on those big ones! They'll choose to throw some of it away. They'll keep some of it. They'll pick up new things of their own to fill their carry-on - making sure it fits in the compartments on each part of the trip is always the trouble there. They have a backpack that is filled w/ genes. (A God designed and put-together piece - totally out of our control.) So they have their armload of duffles, totes, and garment bags - that will help and hinder them live on this road. What was your luggage like when you left home? And now - in my case almost 30 years later - how has that luggage changed? Now what is the 1 thing I want with me every step down that path and how can I make sure that 1 thing is what my children take with them as they walk out the door? GOD and His revealed Word! How can we live without IT?!?! CJT 2006

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dreams... musts...time

Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of God. Ecclesiastes 5:7

Today - words seem very meaningless. My dreams are pouring.

I want to do this ________ and I wish I had time to do _________ and I should do _________... As I did our company's books, baked, laundry, still need to vacuum, fold clothes, mop floors, and dust - how I can find time to stand and worship my mighty God!?!

So little time... much time slipping away... and I just want to take a nap! My husband talks often of time being our biggest asset. Rick Warren writes "you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life."

Father -- increase my time today. Let me give Your gift of life & time away to those I love with a cheerful heart. Let me love 'in time!' Let me sing Your faithfulness and love as I desire to worship You with all that I do....