Thursday, January 28, 2010

Identity... who am I?

Child of God's
Saved from hell
teacher - homeschooler

Identity. Identify with.
Who am I?
Who do people think that I am?

Today while showering (again when I could blog my best thoughts,) I was thinking about how my last 3 children know a different mom than my first 2. The above list hasn't changed much over my almost 30 years of being a married adult. But when I think of who I was and to who I feel I am today - it just has a totally different look.

I used to love to move furniture, paint a room, wallpaper a wall, lead worship, stencil a border, sew a dress, bake cookies, host a party, do the music at a wedding, add an extra family to the dinner table, babysit an extra child, teach Sunday School, clean the house in an hour and on a weekly basis, and so the list could go on! A changer and a doer ... I was.

I used to be such a multi-tasker. When I got a great idea - I did it. Today when my ideas begin... they may not even go any place further than my head or heart.

Today, what a different woman I am. When I know what I need to do, what I have to do, and what I want to do... I come and sit at the computer and don't get any of it done.

These last three will know me as quite the shopper, Gramma Candy, Gramma Kiss, reader, computer sitter... seems like I've become quite the vegetable in my aged years.

But at least that first list hasn't changed and what God sees me as - His Own - I am not my own, I was bought with a price (I Corinthians 6 and again in Chapter 7) - I want to honor God in ALL I do! So I better get going today and DO it!


michele said...

I love it that you want to honor God in all that you do! We all need to focus on this. I am Natasha Heeringa's sister. Thanks for supporting our family and your blog is great... I'll be back.

Kimber said...

Oh Cris... you are such a precious woman! I love you!

Your Beloved Sister -